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Email me at: Please inform me of any comments, questions, suggestions, etc you have! I want to get your emails (as long as they're good:)!
Contact me Online at: DogBizkit2 on AOL or KatsEmpiRe on AIM
Modeling Agency Some petz love to have their picture taken... whether for shows or fun. Some of my Catz love to dress up and show off. They will become the new KE Models. The clothes they are wearing are available in the Petz Shop. You can register your Petz to become KE models too. All you have to do is fill out the info below, and send me a picture, and I will make a special certificate for you and your pet. Your Petz pictures will be displayed here, and you can send in new pictures of new toys or clothes or themes, like holidays. There are different type of models petz can be... Fashion Models for clothes, what's new and in style; Toy Models, where they are playing with a toy; Theme Models, like for Fourth of July, Easter, Summertime, etc.; Comical Models, who do silly stuff; and Super Models, who do it all. Petz an always change their Modeling type. None of the pictures will be used beyond this page or for any graphics. To apply to be a KE Model, please send the following info to Owner's Name: Your Petz Site (title and URL): Petz Show Name: Petz Call Name: Petz Breed(s): Petz Gender: What type of model is your pet applying to be? Comments: A picture or two of your pet
KE Model #1 April's Showers (Sierra of KE) April's Showers shows off the hot for summer, "Easter Outfit"! Soft pink pants, with yellow flower on white tank... combine with the pink bow, makes this outfit look young and fresh!
KE Model #3 Sweetie (Sierra of KE) Sweetie give the Easter Outfit and older look with the pink and yellow flower hat! KE Model #4 Owner's name: Catilina Added July 4, 1999 KE Model #2 Flora (Sierra of KE) A long day of play has made Flora ready for bed... in her cute heart pjs!
KE Model #5 Owner's Name: Jenny Added July 6, 1999
KE Model #7 Owner's Name: Jenny Added July 6, 1999
KE Model #6 Owner's Name: Jenny Added July 6, 1999