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Email me at: Please inform me of any comments, questions, suggestions, etc you have! I want to get your emails (as long as they're good:)!
Contact me Online at: DogBizkit2 on AOL or KatsEmpiRe on AIM
Anti Abuse Page Abuse in any form is wrong. It's sad to think not everyone feels that way. I guess if they did, there would be no abuse, which would be a great thing. Unfortunately, there is a lot of abuse going on in this world. This part of Kat's EmpiRe is dedicated to animal abuse and what can be done to stop it. I have personally studied much on endangered wild cats, animal testing and rights, and environmental science. I will add my knowledge to this page and make new banners. I see banners on web sites all the time- "Stop Petz Abuse"... now that's good and all, but Petz, as in the PF Magic Games, are not real, breathing, thinking, feeling things. Real animals are and they need our help! All you pet lovers out there... Unite! Fight Animal Abuse! There are so many forms of animal abuse, I don't know where to start... here's just a few off the top of my head: Extinct/Endangered Species, Habitat destruction, Overhunting and poaching, Laboratory/Military/Commercial testing, Fur coats and other fur things, Pollution of air, water, land, noise, etc., Unwanted kittens, puppies, or babies, And not to mention, All the sick, cruel, cold-hearted people in this world that think it is funny to harm an innocent animal! Plus, much, much more!
Take these banners I have made and use them! But what are we to do? What can you do? Think about it; you can probably do more than you think! The best way to solve a problem like this is to educate the people, which I am trying to do. Hopefully, my message gets out... even if one person joins the fight against abuse, it's worth it. New collection... this one only has four banners, so here they are...
Another New Collection... There's only Three...
I have made 4 collections of banners, 9 butterflies, 6 flowers, 4 Black Cats on Red, and 3 Hearts. They are small, colorful, and straight forward. The Butterfly ones have different butterflies on them and say "Butterflies Against Animal Abuse Pass it on!". The new flower banners say "No More Animal Abuse" and have a different flower in the marble vase with a pastel flower background. Please take one or two or three, or all of them!, and put them on your site and send them to anyone! Get the word out! New! Flower Banners! Set of six! Click the banner to see them all!
Click Here to see all the Butterfly Banners!
Take these banner too! And send me any you have!
Animals have no voice; so let yours be heard!
Visit these links for more info on Animal Abuse