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Contact me Online at: DogBizkit2 on AOL or KatsEmpiRe on AIM
Petz Stories By, Sierra of Kats EmpiRe The story of Sierras Beautiful Blues EmpiRe or Empre for short started many months ago. In my Catz2 game, I had a B+W Shorthair, Green Eyes, and Siamese, CocoLoco, who were best friends. They always loved to play together and were sad if the other wasnt inside.
When I got Catz3 and I saw that the Catz could breed, I made CocoLoco a male and Green Eyes and female, although in catz2, I had considered both males. They were the first of my catz to breed. Their kitten was named Coco Creamer, who became a new favorite of my catz. Creamer grew up to become stuck in pregnancy and grow very fat. Soon, CocoLoco and Green Eyes fell out of love and began to breed with other catz. They would both breed almost instantly with anyone, but not with each other. Time went on, and Green Eyes went on to have a total of seven kittens (including two from CocoLoco) and CocoLoco had a few girlfriends, like CocaLoca, Sweetie, and Kitty and an unknown total of kittens. CocoLoco was especially good at getting strange color combos like Reville, the "inverted Siamese" and and Peaches, both with Sweetie, the "Peaches-N-Cream" Colored Siam and a totally black cat with Green Eyes. One day, CocoLoco and Green Eyes did mate again. They had a totally black kitten named Onyx. He would become the father of April. ![]()
Now, my intrest grew in finding out how to hex. I so desperately wanted a blue eyed Siamese and I could not find one anywhere! I taught myself how to hex and so adopted Gem and Seabring, my first hex catz. Im not sure what happened to Seabring. But Gem went on to mate with Onyx and have one kitten, April. April was the most beautiful Catz I had ever had. She had light blue eyes and a dark coat.
As time went on, I had less and less time to mate and raise so many kittens. I had opened my web site, the original Kats EmpiRe. My site had been open for about a month, when tragedy struck. A virus had invaded my computer. I tried to store my Catz files on disks so maybe they could be recovered but my site could not be saved and it was lost. After waiting many days for my computer to be fixed it had to be "crashed" and everything reinstalled I finally had a chance to reinstall catz3 and test out the disks. They worked! But I had decided I could not keep as many catz as I had and that some of them would have to go to new homes. I wish I still had CocoLoco and Green Eyes; actually, I dont know what happened to their files. Seven Catz were brought to my reinstalled Catz3 program. They were April, Cujo, Fanta C, Justin Jr., Mayla, Peony, and Tempe. In addition to those seven catz, I also adopted some new catz. I wanted all my catz to have mates for life and to raise their own families, instead of having "webs" of catz related in wacky ways, so now most of my catz are married and "breeding pairs". April and Tempe fell in love
and their first kitten was Empre. Empre was my favorite, for he had his mothers beautiful
blue eyes and a unique cream coat. Empre was born on May 2, 1999; he took quite a while to
fully grow up and I was thought for some time he never would. He actually became very tall
and thin, like his mother. Empre has a slightly stubborn personality and starts some
April and Tempe had a second kitten, Peril, on May 24. Peril had a dark coat, like Aprils and CocoLocos, and dark greenish-blue eyes. Peril was the clown, making funny faces and doing silly things. Now, Peril and his wife Blinky had a daughter named Be Quiet and Drive on June 15, and are expecting again soon. ![]()
April and Tempe went on to have a third kitten the beautiful gray eyed, dark coated, Aprils Showers, their first, and so far, only daughter, on June 5. Aprils Showers is a little princess, she loves attention and being cute. She loves every cat and never fights; she always gets sad when the other cat goes outside. ![]()
April and Tempes fourth kitten was born on June 13th. His name is Stephen and he has a light coat, dark, dark green eyes. He is a little chubby, but he is still young and probably will grow out of that. Stephen
So there is a history of Empres life and family. Empre has yet to find a mate, because I want him to find a true love. Blinky was adopted to be Empres mate, but they fought. It all worked out good because Peril and Blinky are very much in love. If you have a purebred Siamese, preferably more than 2 generations, with a sweet temperament, please email me at to see if he would be a good mate for Empre. Do NOT steal (copy, reproduce, save, take, use, etc.) ANY of these graphics!!!