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Petz Articles By, Sierra of Kats EmpiRe I have a little tradition with my catz families. Maybe you have noticed, in the pictures on my site, some of my catz have on the white wedding veil and others have on the pink bow. Its kind of like "the chicken or the egg" The mothers wear the white wedding veil and the female babies wear the pink bows.
The mothers first daughter gets the pink bow of her mother. Then when she becomes a mother, she will pass the bow on to her first daughter and then get a white wedding veil.
So basically, the catz who have not been bred yet, wear the pink bows. Once they have had a baby, they wear the white wedding veil. And if their first baby is a female, she gets the mothers bow. If anyone has a similar tradition, please let me know. Do NOT steal (copy, reproduce, save, take, use, etc.) ANY of these graphics!!!