Hey, I'm Peril!  Empre's brother... I'm a mascot too!Kat's EmpiReHi, I'm Empre, KE's Mascot!  I'm a little King!

The Catz Place on the Web!

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Home Up Summer Fun Show Poses #1D Show Poses #2D



Catz Shows
Dogz Shows


Email me at:


Email Me!  Click Here!

Please inform me of any comments, questions, suggestions, etc you have!  I want to get your emails (as long as they're good:)!


Contact me Online at:

DogBizkit2 on AOL


KatsEmpiRe on AIM




I'm a Kangaroo

Dogz Shows

pinkishpaws.bmp (40614 bytes)

cocochipp.bmp (19994 bytes)

    Kat's EmpiRe's first Dogz Show is for Summer Fun is now closed!  I only got two entries.

    Poses only show, opened July 5th, is now closed! 

    Show Poses #2 open July 16.  Only show poses accepted.  No clothing besides a bow or hat.  See rules for entering below.

    Go to the Catz Show Page.

pinkishpaws.bmp (40614 bytes)

Rules for Entering

1.  No toys, food bowls, brushes, etc. in pictures.  A couple butterflies and flowers are ok.

2.  Only one Pet per picture unless for a special show.

3. No clothing or glasses unless for a specific show.  Hats, bows, and crowns are ok.

4.  Petz should be in a show pose or sitting pose unless for a specific show.

5.  You may send in up to 2 entries per show (2 for Catz and 2 for Dogz) of different Petz in separate emails please!

6.  Pictures should be in .BMP, .JPG, or .GIF image files.

7.  Pictures are not to be edited in any way unless for a specific show.  Pictures should not be animated.

8.  Once a picture has won First Place, it cannot be entered in a Kat's EmpiRe show again.  You may enter a new picture or use the same if you didn't win.

pinkishpaws.bmp (40614 bytes)

    Email me at DogBizkit2@aol.com with the subject of "Catz/Dogz Show" or your email will be deleted.  Please include the following info:

Petz Show Name:

Petz Name:

Petz Breed(s):

Owner's Name:

Email Address (will not be posted on my page, unless you ask; please make sure you spell you address correctly):

Web Address (will be posted on my page, unless you ask):

Picture in .bmp, .jpg, or .gif format.


pinkishpaws.bmp (40614 bytes)

Do NOT steal (copy, reproduce, save, take, use, etc.)  ANY of these graphics!!!

pinkishpaws.bmp (40614 bytes)


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