Hey, I'm Peril!  Empre's brother... I'm a mascot too!Kat's EmpiReHi, I'm Empre, KE's Mascot!  I'm a little King!

The Catz Place on the Web!

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May's Entries
June's Entries
Summer Fun
Show Poses #1C
Show Poses #2C


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Email Me!  Click Here!

Please inform me of any comments, questions, suggestions, etc you have!  I want to get your emails (as long as they're good:)!


Contact me Online at:

DogBizkit2 on AOL


KatsEmpiRe on AIM




I'm a Kangaroo

June's Catz Show Entries

Cute Kitties Show

Show is closed!

June's Catz Show is now closed.  Winners posted.

If any names or other information is spelled wrong, let me know and I will change it.

Please email me at DogBizkit2@aol.com with you choice for first, second, and third place.  Only one vote per email address!

Join the Kat's EmpiRe mailing list (see home page) to see who/if you won!

Do not take these awards unless they are your catz!

pinkishpaws.bmp (40614 bytes)

junekittiesshowfirst.bmp (184566 bytes)

junekittiesshowsecond.bmp (184566 bytes)

junekittiesshowthird.bmp (184566 bytes)

junekittiesshowHM.bmp (184566 bytes)

pinkishpaws.bmp (40614 bytes)


Poptart.gif (6167 bytes)

Catz Show Name: SeraphimWeb's Fresh Out of the Toaster

Catz Name: Poptart

Catz Breed(s): calico/tabby mix

Owner's Name: SeraphimWeb

 Catz20.bmp (64078 bytes)

Pic #1

Catz Show Name: Cowgirl's Delight in the Desert
Catz Name: Cowboy
Catz Breed: Pouncer
Catz Owner: Shirley

Catz5.bmp (64078 bytes)

Pic #2

Catz Show Name: Cowgirl's Delight in the Desert
Catz Name: Cowboy
Catz Breed: Pouncer
Catz Owner: Shirley


Catz6.bmp (64078 bytes)

Pic #3

Catz Show Name: Cowgirl's Delight in the Desert
Catz Name: Cowboy
Catz Breed: Pouncer
Catz Owner: Shirley


petz53.bmp (18070 bytes)

Pic #1

Catz Show Name: Kelly's Mystical Planet Earth

Catz Name: Earth Kelly's mystical planet earth

Catz Breed(s): Russian blue

Owner's Name: Kelly


petz55.bmp (20322 bytes)

Pic #2

Catz Show Name: Kelly's Mystical Planet Earth

Catz Name: Earth

Catz Breed(s): Russian blue

Owner's Name: Kelly


petz64.bmp (21062 bytes)

Catz Show Name: Kelly's Black Midnight
Catz Name: Midnight

Catz Breed(s):Black & white shorthair

Owner's Name: Kelly


Jester.gif (5811 bytes)

Catz Show Name:Jester III of Cat Fancier Association

Catz Name:Jester

Catz Breed(s):Calico

Owner's Name: Sarah


JASMINE.bmp (41094 bytes)

Catz Show Name: Princess Jasmine

Catz Name: Jasmine

Catz Breed(s): Tabby

Owner's Name: Danielle


CALLIE4.bmp (11854 bytes)

Petz Show Name: Joy's Colorful Callie
Petz Call Name: Callie
Petz Breed(s): Calico
Petz Owner: Joy


petz81.bmp (20738 bytes)
Petz Show Name: Ann's Saturday Night Diva
Petz Call Name: Diva
Petz Breed: persian
Petz Owner: Ann

pinkishpaws.bmp (40614 bytes)

Do NOT steal (copy, reproduce, save, take, use, etc.)  ANY of these graphics!!!

pinkishpaws.bmp (40614 bytes)


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